24/7 fitness center in delano, MN 

It is possible to follow good eating habits on your own, and to follow the Whole30 program successfully, but HAVE YOU??

What is bone broth link
Real Plans link
Zupa Noma Link

You can purchase Chomps onsite at My BodyShop Fitness Center, CoachK's homebase


  • To be a Supportive listener
  • To educate clients with her firm knowledge of Whole 30®
  • Offer suggestions and alternatives if you hit a stumbling block
  • Point out warning signs and typical timeline expectations
  • Pantry and shopping guidance and cleanup
  • Meal planning assistance to avoid food boredom
  • Sounding board with no judgment
  • Help you make changes to see the  internal adjustments in your thinking
  • She cannot allow you to settle, slide, slip, cheat or practice negative self-talk
  • She may not physically slap that Krispy Kreme out of your hand, but you will learn to make the choice on your own to avoid it!
  • She  will not force you to do things you aren’t ready for, you will make decision and choices you can sustain in the long-term

find your fitness

at our center!

email mybodyshopfitness@gmail.com to discuss Whole30 coaching, and

​follow CoachK on IG at @whole30coachk for inspiration and food/recipe ideas